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Sulfite Test Kit Replacement Reagents (110 tests) - HI3822-100

The HI3822-100 are reagents for the determination of sulfite by titration with the sulfite chemical test kit. There are enough reagents for approximately 110 tests to be used with Hanna’s test kit. These high quality reagents are manufactured in our state-of-the-art facility and are clearly marked with the lot number and expiration date on each packet for traceability.

  • Pre-made reagents for ease of use
  • Prepared with high-purity chemicals
  • Marked with expiration date and lot number for traceability


The HI3822-100 are high-quality reagents that are pre-measured, allowing users to achieve fast and accurate alkalinity measurements with the chemical test kit. These reagents follow an iodometric titration method to determine sulfite concentration.

For determination of sulfite, iodine formed in the presence of sulfuric acid reacts with sulfite to form iodide. As the solution is titrated, an excess of iodine is generated which forms a blue color complex. The number of drops of titrant used to reach the visual endpoint will determine the sulfite as mg/L Na2SO3. These reagents are designed to be used with samples that have an expected sulfite range of 0.0 to 20.0 mg/L and 0 to 200 mg/L Na2SO3.