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Panel-mounted Conductivity & TDS Controller - HI710-with analog output

The HI710 series of controllers offer state of the art specifications for your process control. They can be configured for ON/ OFF, proportional, PI or PID control. Thanks to our exclusive technology, they can be customized to best fit your application.

  • CAL Check™ alerts users of calibration status.
  • Password protection guarantees that the calibration and predetermined parameters cannot be altered unnecessarily.
  • With self-diagnostic features and extractable terminals, installation and maintenance are fast and simple.


HI 710 series controllers are real time microprocessor-based EC controllers. They provide accurate measurements, flexible ON/OFF or proportional control capabilities, analog input and output, RS485 port, dual setpointand alarm signal.The system is composed of a case inside which the signal conversion circuitry, the microprocessor circuitry and the outputpower drivers are contained.

With self-diagnostic features and extractable terminals, installation and maintenance are fast and simple. Password protection guarantees that the calibration and predetermined parameters cannot be altered unnecessarily. The controllers can operate with four-ring probe or 4-20 mA signal. They accept probes with or without a built-in Pt100 temperature sensor.

HI710 Series Conductivity and TDS Controller’s FEATURES/BENEFITS:


  • Large LCD with 4 ½ 17 mm digits and 3 ½ 10 mm digits.

Indicator LEDs

  • Four LEDs are provided for signaling the energizing of relay 1 and 2 (yellow LEDs) and alarm relays (a greenand a red LED).

PC Connectivity (HI710222 only)

  • RS485 standard is a digital transmission method that allows long lines connections. Its current-loop system makes this standard suitable for data transmission in noisy environments. Data transmission from the instrument to the PC is possible with the HI 92500 Windows® compatible application software offered by Hanna Instruments.

Friendly Interface

  • A menu-driven display aids the user throughout the operations with running messages and clear prompts. All relevant parameters can be simply adjusted and will remain memorized until overwritten.

Programmable Hold System

  • The hold function allows the user to stop the regulating action of the controller for programmable time periods. It is possible to activate the hold periods in correspondence to programmed operations, such as plant maintenance and cleaning procedures.

Programmable Cleaning Cycles

  • Heavy-duty applications often require almost continuous probe maintenance. Elements such as suspended solids, fat, oils, pigments and microorganisms can quickly deposit and soil the electrode. Programmable cleaning cycles allow for scheduled maintenance to keep the probe functioning optimally.

Automatic Temperature Compensation

  • A 2-wire Pt100 can be connected to ensure fast, accurately compensated readings even during sudden temperature fluctuations.

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)

  • Last calibration data internally recorded for traceability including calibration date and time, cell constant, calibration solution values.


  • 1 or 2 output relays for low conductivity or highconductivity dosage (COM, NO and NC contacts) and 1output relay for alarm condition (COM, NO and NC con-tacts)


  • Automatic 1 point calibration. alibration and Setup procedures allowed only through an unlock password.

Mult Range Conductivity / TDS Measurment

  • Four different EC working ranges (0 to 199.9μS; 0 to1999μS; 0 to 19.99mS; 0 to 199.9mS)
  • Four different TDS working ranges (0 to 100.0ppm; 0 to1000ppm; 0 to 10.00ppm; 0 to 100.0ppm) for HI 710models.