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Galvanic Dissolved Oxygen Probe for HI9147 - HI76409

The HI76409 is a galvanic dissolved oxygen probe for Hanna’s HI9147 portable dissolved oxygen meter. It contains a pure silver cathode and a zinc anode with integrated temperature sensors.

  • Galvanic Sensor
  • Uses Screw-on Pre-tensioned Membranes
  • Integrated Temperature Sensor


The HI76409 is a standard galvanic dissolved oxygen probe for use with the HI9147 portable dissolved oxygen meter. Galvanic probes require no conditioning time and therefore allow the ability to measure instantaneously. With extreme portability and a straightforward design, this probe is ideal for both field and lab use.

The D.O. probe is provided with a membrane covering the galvanic sensors and a built-in thermistor for temperature measurement and compensation. The thin permeable membrane isolates the sensor elements from the testing solution but allows oxygen to enter. Oxygen that passes through the membrane causes a current flow, from which the oxygen concentration is determined.

Two models are available:

  • HI 9147-04 with HI 76409/4 probe (4 m cable)
  • HI 9147-10 with HI 76409/10 probe (10 m cable)