
Ergonomic Design with Rubberized Grip
Checktemp® 4 has an ergonomic design that fits comfortably in the hand. The meter uses vulcanized rubber that is available in 6 different colors for a non-slip grip.
Waterproof Durable Casing
The Checktemp thermometer is completely waterproof to IP67 standards. The IP67 standard is for continuous immersion in water up to 1 meter (3′) in depth. The meters will actually float if accidentally dropped into a pot, vat or any other container.
Penetration Probe
The sharp, AISI 316 stainless steel probe is ideal for testing fresh, cooked and semi frozen food. The NTC thermistor is located in the sensing tip and allows for the measurement of food that is 2 cm (0.79″) thick.

Instrument Quality Certificate for Traceability
HI151 is calibrated to five points (-20.0, 0.0, 25.0, 60.0 and 120.0 ℃) and tested at three points using reference meters, the accuracy of which is traceable to NIST in the USA or an internationally acceptable national physical standards. Each meter is serialized and supplied with an instrument quality certificate
With all thermometers there is drift in the electronics over time. Every time the thermometer is switched ON the LCD will display “CAL” then “-0-”, indicating that the factory calibration has been verified and the thermometer is ready for use.
Wake on Motion Sensor
The meter has an adjustable power save mode that can be disabled. The power save mode can be programmed to turn the display off and conserve power after 1, 2, 8, or 60 minutes. The built-in motion sensor detects when the meter is picked up and automatically turns the display back on.
Checktemp®4 Temperature Tester – HI151